General Meeting Information

Date: June 10, 2024
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: Student Council Chambers and Zoom

  • Agenda

    Time Topic Purpose Discussion Leader
    4:00 PM

    Call to Order 

    • Izat Rasyad
    4:00 PM

    Roll Call

    • Maliah K
    4:05 PM

    Public Comments 

    • All
    4:10 PM

    Advisor Announcements

    • Advisors
    4:15 PM 

    Business Item #1

    Budget Request: De Anza Enrollment Services 

    This item is to discuss and possibly approve up to $2,500 for Enrollment Services events including: Promise Students, Men of Color, ISP, VA and Work Study Students to distribute food, supplies and certificates to celebrate students. 

    De Anza Enrollment Services Budget Request

    Time: 10 Minutes

    • Nazy Galoyan
    • Nina Van
    4:25 PM

    Business Item #2

    Budget Request:  De Anza Student Body Government, Marketing Committee

    This item is to discuss and possibly approve up to $2,500 to purchase promotional items and supplies in an effort to increase student engagement, outreach and communication to the De Anza student body. 

    DASG Marketing Committee Budget Request

    Time: 10 Minutes

    • Virinchi Kuppa
    4:35 PM

    Business Item # 3

    Budget Request Form

    This item is to discuss any proposed improvements to the DASG Budget Request Form.

    Time: 20 minutes

    • Aaron Mundanilkunathil
    4:55 PM

    Business Item #4

    Finance Outreach Review

    This item is to discuss any proposed ideas on outreach regarding the budget request forms and for special allocation requests.

    Time: 20 minutes

    • Kate Wang
    • Lydia Wong
    • Van Nguyen
    5:15 PM

    Business Item #5

    Interview Timeline for Fall

    This item is to discuss any changes to the dates the interviews for the budget deliberations start.

    Time: 20 minutes

    • Yan Ming Teng
    5:35 PM

    Business Item #6

    Interviewing Students Served by Programs

    Description: This item is to discuss the proposal to interview students served by the programs funded by the DASG to better understand their impact.

    Time: 20 minutes

    • Van Nguyen 
    5:55 PM

    Public Comments

    • All
    6:00 PM

    Advisor Announcements

    • Advisors
    6:05 PM

    Introduction and Approval of Prospective Interns

    • Prospective Interns
    6:10 PM


    • Izat Rasyad

    A = Action
    D = Discussion
    I = Information

  • Minutes [DRAFT]

    Call to Order 

    • Aditya Sharma called the meeting to order at 4:03 PM. 

    Roll Call 

    Position Name Present Late Absent Online Excused Left Early
    Chair of Finance Izat Rasyad x          
    Vice Chair of Finance Nicholas Turangan x          
    DASG Budget Analyst Aaron Mundanilkunathil x (4:03)          
    DASG Budget Analyst Kate Wang x          
    DASG President Lydia Wong x          
    DASG Budget Analyst Benjamin Furraganan x          
    Intern Aditya Sharma x          
    Intern Yan Ming Teng x          
    Intern Madhav Shukla x          
    Intern Rajeev Duggirala   x        
    Intern Zachary Ho x          
    Intern Pranita Jaware x          
    Intern Dianoosh Sabetnejad            
    Intern Amna Aslam x (4:03pm)          
    Intern Van Loc Nguyen x          
    Intern Luca Paliska x          
    Intern Allison Trinh   x        
    Intern Lauren Hartono   x        
    Intern Sean Hendrata   x        
    Intern  Zain Darwish    x        

    Public Comments 

    • None

    Advisor Announcements

    • None

    Business Item 1

    Budget Request: De Anza Enrollment Services 

    This item is to discuss and possibly approve up to $2,500 for Enrollment Services events including: Promise Students, Men of Color, ISP, VA and Work Study Students to distribute food, supplies and certificates to celebrate students. 

    • Kate proposed to fund $1500.00 towards the Enrollment Services events requested, not including 2 events. 
    • More discussion took place over whether or not funding for past events should be approved. 
    • Aaron moved to approve the full amount of $2,500.00 for the De Anza Enrollment Services requested in addition to knowing how much each of the past events accumulated in funding. 
    • Kate seconded the motion, no objections. 

    Business Item 2

    Budget Request:  De Anza Student Body Government, Marketing Committee

    This item is to discuss and possibly approve up to $2,500 to purchase promotional items and supplies in an effort to increase student engagement, outreach and communication to the De Anza student body. 

    Business Item 3

    Budget Request Form

    This item is to discuss any proposed improvements to the DASG Budget Request Form.

    • Aaron presented the item. 
    • Discussion took place on how to improve the efficiency and accessibility of the DASG Budget Request Form for 2024 - 2025. 

    Business Item 4

    Finance Outreach Review

    This item is to discuss any proposed ideas on outreach regarding the budget request forms and for special allocation requests.

    Public Comments

    • Kate: Congrats Van for your hardwork! 
    • Aditya: Thank you to Finance for all of your guidance! 
    • Lisa: Thank you to Finance, you have worked so hard all year. I wish you the best! Enjoy your summer, good luck on finals please
    • Chun Ho: Programs is planning an event next week, Monday/Tuesday. They will be reimbursed but it may take longer. 
    • Izat: Check out Nico's message in the discord. I love you all, good luck! 

    Advisor Announcements 

    • Dennis: Good work everyone! Good luck and we look forward to working with all of the new folks. Thank you Izat! 
    • Hyon Chu: Felt finance went very smoothly this year, senate meeting this Wednesday. 


    • Aditya adjourned this meeting at 6:04 PM. 

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