Student-Centered Instruction and Services
Establish a Process to Auto-Award Certificates and Degrees

By auto-awarding certificates and degrees, we will offer student-centered services. Students should not have to request their degree or certificate to be awarded if they have completed the requirements. In some cases, they might not even know that they qualify for a particular certificate or degree. Not only will students benefit, but under the student-centered funding formula (SCFF), the campus can get credit for more degrees and certificates completed, which can lead to increased funding. By doing this, perhaps any costs involved for this initiative might eventually pay for itself.

Lead: Nazy Galoyan, Patty Guitron and Sam Bliss

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Research various software platforms that assist in auto-awarding degrees and certificates. The software should have the following capabilities:

  • Identifies students who have met the requirements (in the past and present) not just for their stated academic goal but for any degree or certificate that De Anza offers
  • Suggests degrees or certificates that students might be close to achieving (within 1-2 classes of completion)
  • Has compatibility with our current systems such as Banner and Degree Works
  • Has the ability to understand complex scenarios and options in our degrees and certificates
  • Is affordable

Fall 2024

  • Narrow down choices to top 1-2 platforms.If required by the district, reach out to Foothill for buy-in.
  • Run test-case scenarios with our student data to determine how much funding it could generate.
  • Craft a proposal based on the gathered information and request funding.
  • Secure funding for a minimum of three years

Winter 2025

Begin preparation to install the system

  • Any clean-up of degrees and certificate requirements
  • Any clean-up of student records

Spring 2025

Continue preparation to install the system

  • Any clean-up of degrees and certificate requirements
  • Any clean-up of student records

Fall 2025

  • Begin installation of program (either Summer or Fall 2025)
  • Pilot program with a smaller pool of students (10% of student population)
  • Set a baseline of degree and certificate completion for future comparison.

Winter 2026

  • Troubleshoot any glitches
  • Track increase in degrees and certificates awarded.

Spring 2026

Finalize installation and launch the program for all students who registered at De Anza for 2025-26.

Fall 2026

Start migrating data for past years (three years at a time): 2022-2025

Winter 2027

  • Continue migrating data for past years (three years at a time): 2022-2025
  • Track increase in degrees and certificates awarded.

Spring 2027

Migrate data for past years (three years at a time): 2019-2022

Fall 2027

  • Continue migrating data for past years (three years at a time): 2019-2022
  • Track increase in degrees and certificates awarded.
  • Reassess effectiveness of the initiative; determine amount of funding generated under SCFF; secure permanent funding if necessary.
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