Student-Centered Instruction and Services
Streamline CTE Curriculum Review Processes

This action plan has been developed in an effort to create conditions whereby the college can better partner with local employers in the rapid development and curricular iteration cycles that are required for effective modern workforce training. The rate of business and associated workforce needs far outpace the curricular development requirements of traditional academic courses. Because of that external reality, the college is interested in expediting the curriculum process for CTE courses in an effort to serve that local constituency and fill a gap in our existing service to the community at large.

Lead: Sam Bliss

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Begin meetings with the Dean of CTE, the Curriculum Advisory Team, the Academic Senate and the Curriculum Committee to develop proposals that might expedite CTE curriculum review.

Spring 2024

Pilot a process for the CTE Committee to confirm that new mirrored non-credit CDCP curriculum does, in fact, exactly mirror existing approved credit courses/programs in order to remove those courses/programs from the standard new-course/program process and expedite their entry in COCI (Chancellor's Office Curriculum Inventory System).

Fall 2024

Hire and train an additional Academic Services Technician using CTE funding to expedite CTE curriculum and scheduling processes.

Begin discussing processes for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Winter 2025

After a quarter of training on the appropriate systems, begin distributing CTE workflows to the new position in order to isolate those out from traditional courses and expedite their submission to COCI.

Continue discussing processes for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Spring 2025

Develop a process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Train and/or expand the CTE Committee as needed.

Evaluate the effectiveness of reallocating the new Academic Services Technician's work duties.

Fall 2025

Pilot a process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP. This will be a 1-year pilot for the 2025-2026 academic year.

Winter 2026

Continue piloting a process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP. This pilot is conducted throughout the year, but early evaluations of the pilot can be reviewed at this stage.

Spring 2026

Complete piloting a process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Engage in heavy evaluation and revision of that piloted process, as necessary.

Fall 2026

Rollout revised process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Winter 2027

Maintain revised process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Begin developing a process for the CTE Committee to take over ongoing CTE 5-year revisions as well.

Spring 2027

Maintain revised process for the CTE Committee to review entirely new CTE curriculum, and not just those that are mirrored non-credit CDCP.

Engage in ongoing evaluation and revision of that process, as necessary, on an annual basis.

Develop any necessary revisions after the first full cycle.

Finish developing a process for the CTE Committee to take over ongoing CTE 5-year revisions as well - implement that process in Fall 2027.

Fall 2027

Implement revised processes for the CTE Committee to review all new CTE courses/programs and CTE course/program revisions.

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