Student-Centered Instruction and Services
Establish Alternative Learning Models: Microcredentialing, Credit for Prior Learning

As we target pockets of non-traditional students, we need to consider that many of them may come to De Anza with previous learning experiences that do not neatly fit into a formalized education. For example, some adult learners may have vast work experience through which they have acquired skills and knowledge similar to those they would acquire in a traditional classroom. Rather than make them repeat course material, we need to establish ways by which they can earn credit for these prior learning experiences. Many community colleges across the state have already ventured into credit-for-prior-learning initiatives; De Anza needs to get up to speed. By allowing these opportunities, we may attract non-traditional students who can envision their completion of their academic goals in a shorter timeframe.

Also, across the country we are witnessing trends in which learners want shorter-term learning. We are seeing semester schools compressing their calendars, badging or micro-credentialling on the rise, and Coursera-type classes in which learners can earn a credential in a shorter time frame than it takes to earn a traditional degree. To stay current and competitive, in addition to our traditional degrees and certificates, we need to expand our non-credit offerings, including developing certificates that can be earned in a short time frame. This will not only attract a non-traditional audience, but it will also help our traditional student gain concrete markers of learning while achieving their academic goals, possibly even leading to higher-paying jobs while they work their way through college.

Lead: Vice President for Instruction & Academic Senate

Plan Timeline

Winter 2024

Spring 2024

Fall 2024

Credit for Prior Learning (CPL)

  • Establish a work team to build an infrastructure for Credit-for-Prior-Learning
  • Academic Senate president (or designee)
  • Curriculum Co-chair (faculty)
  • Curriculum Co-chair (AVPI)
  • Curriculum committee Vice chair
  • Articulation Officer
  • Dean of A&R
  • VPI
  • Research various models for credit for prior learning


  • Review a five-year history of classes that are historically under- or low-enrolled to determine the feasibility of offering a mirrored non-credit course in the future.

Winter 2025


  • Create a proposal for types of credit for prior learning that will be accepted by the college
  • Engage the Academic Senate, including chairs and schedulers, with the process
  • Get Academic Senate approval by the end of Winter quarter for new types of credit for prior learning


  • Submit non-credit version of curriculum for at least 10 courses, preferrably those that are already being revised this year during the 5-year curriculum revision process.
  • Identify, develop, and submit two new certificates of 6 or fewer classes each.

Spring 2025


  • Once the new types of creidt for prior learning have been approved by the Academic Senate, establish a proposed process from start to finish for how students request and are approved for CPL.
  • Create rhettoric informing students of CPL opportunities to be submitted for the 2025-26 catalog
  • Negotiate, if necessary, any items that might need to be negotiated.


  • Identify 15 more courses for mirrored non-credit and enlist departments to submit non-credit version of curriculum for these courses during the 2025-26 5-year curriculum revision process.

Fall 2025


  • Advertise CPL opportunities
  • Launch new forms of CP
  • Identify metrics to be reached and establish baseline for comparison.


  • Work on the identified 15 courses for mirrored non-credit when revising curriculum for the 2025-26 5-year curriculum revision process.

Winter 2026


  • Assess first quarter of new CPl opportunities, including troubleshooting any glitches in the process


  • Submit non-credit version of curriculum for 15 identified courses, preferrably those that are already being revised this year during the 5-year curriculum revision process.(25 new non-credit courses total)
  • Idetnify, develop, and submit two new certificates of 6 or fewer classes each (4 new certificates total)

Spring 2026


  • Continue assessing effectiveness of CPL process
  • Review metrics


  • Nothing new

Fall 2026


  • Prepare report on effects of CPL for the 2025-26 academic year and publish results


  • Begin offering mirrored non-credit courses that submitted in Winter 2025.
  • Start tracking data on effects of initiative on enrollment and class cancellations.

Winter 2027

Spring 2027

Fall 2027

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