This email was sent to all students registered for fall.
Sept. 3, 2021
Reminder –
COVID-19 Vaccination Required for Coming to Campus
We want to remind you that De Anza is requiring everyone who comes on campus to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 this fall, for your health and that of others.
This means you must submit proof of vaccination before coming to campus for a class, a meeting, a visit to the Library or any other purpose. We’ve made it easy to upload a copy of your vaccination record to our secure health records system, which you can reach through MyPortal. You’ll find simple instructions at deanza.edu/return-to-campus/fall-2021.
“Fully vaccinated” means you must have received your final shot – your second shot for the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine, or your first shot if it’s the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine – at least two weeks before coming to campus. (International students may show documentation for other WHO-approved vaccines.)
Remember that most fall classes are being taught online, and you don’t need to be vaccinated for online classes. You can check the Class Schedule for complete listings or use the Open Class Finder in MyPortal.
We’re taking other precautions, as well.
- Face masks are required indoors, under Santa Clara County health guidelines, and are recommended for outdoor gatherings.
- Social distancing measures (including signage and classroom assignments) will be in effect.
- Cleaning and sanitizing processes are also in place.
- Hand-washing and hand sanitizing are strongly advised.
We hope you will take these measures to heart, and remember to be kind and considerate of others. These precautions are meant to protect you and those around you.
Visit deanza.edu/return-to-campus/fall-2021 to learn more about the requirements for coming to campus, including how to upload your vaccination record and where to find a vaccination clinic near you. You can also read answers to some frequently asked questions at deanza.edu/return-to-campus/vax-faqs.
You’ll find more tips and resources for fall quarter, and especially for online learning, at deanza.edu/online-fall.
Best wishes,
De Anza College