This email was sent to all students registered for winter quarter.
March 18, 2024
Quick Notes for the Week of March 18
Upcoming Events
Women’s History Month Events This Week
March is Women’s History Month! The Office of Equity and Guided Pathways are hosting events this week to celebrate. Stop by the Artistic Expression Village Center in L 21 tomorrow, March 19, at 1:30 p.m. to catch a screening of “Selena,” a film about the popular Tejano singer Selena Quintanilla-Pérez. On Wednesday, March 20, at 2:30 p.m. join the “Food Is Healing” Zoom workshop with guest presenter Annie Sayo to learn more about her work with healing, especially with communities of color. Find more information on the college events calendar.
You can also find Zoom backgrounds for Women's History Month on the college website.
DASG De-Stress Week
DASG is hosting a variety of activities this week to help students de-stress this quarter! Today, March 18, stop by the Fireside Room to compete in a Connect 4, Mario Kart or Smash Brothers tournament. Tomorrow, March 19, you can unleash your creativity with art and crafts under galaxy colored lights. On Wednesday, March 20, join the Dodgeball and Ultimate Frisbee clubs for games in the Sunken Garden! Find more information on the college events calendar.
Study Abroad in Florence or the Philippines
Interested in visiting Florence, Italy or the Philippines? De Anza offers two overseas learning programs this summer. The study abroad programs
take place this July and require that you enroll in an applicable class.
Please fill out the Florence interest form or the Philippines application form if you are interested. You can earn college credit, visit historic sites and learn more about different cultures through the program. Scholarships may be available. See the course list, instructors and more at deanza.edu/study-abroad.
Taste of History Is Next Saturday, March 23
The annual "A Taste of History" benefit will be held next Saturday, March 23, from 4-7 p.m. This special event is hosted by the California History Center and
the Euphrat Museum of Art and will take place in the VPAC on campus.
Poet Meesha Goldberg will speak about the importance of the arts and humanities, and musician Diana Gameros will perform original and Mexican classic songs at the event.
Attendees can also view the accompanying “All My Relations” and “Sacred Terrain” exhibits. Proceeds from ticket sales will support after-school art classes for at-risk
youth and De Anza student multimedia projects.
Find more information at deanza.edu/tasteofhistory.
Ramadan is March 10-April 10
Ramadan is observed from March 10-April 10 this year, and the Office of Equity has prepared a webpage with helpful information about the Muslim holy month and its observance. As a reminder, students may be fasting from March 10-April 10 and may miss classes due to Eid Al-Fitr, which falls on the first week of spring quarter. Students will not be dropped from classes for observing Eid Al-Fitr, but should inform their instructors.
Honors and Awards
Caparas Is a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador
English instructor Francesca “Chesa” Caparas has been selected as a Fulbright Scholar Alumni Ambassador for the 2024-2026 term. She was chosen for her dedication to international collaboration
and understanding. Caparas will represent the college by sharing her Fulbright experience
at workshops and conferences and by promoting Fulbright grants to other faculty members.
Carungay Recognized for Photography
Edwin Carungay, the senior graphic designer in the Office of Communications, is a Texas Photographic Society National Photography Award Finalist. He was recognized for a photo series taken in Oaxaca, Mexico, from 2019-2023. His
work will be shown in the Texas Photographic Society exhibition at Sabine Street Studios
in Houston from March 28-May 11.
Carungay was also recognized for the photo adjacent to this paragraph, “Emoji and Mezcal.” It was designated as a Leica Master Shot and has been added to the Leica Fotografie International Gallery’s list of editor favorites.
New Noncredit Videos
Check out new videos in the Noncredites Class series! These videos showcase all of the great classes at De Anza that are tuition-free.
Last week we posted a video about the Auto Tech program. Watch all of the videos on the college website and social media. Stay tuned for more.
Mark Your Calendar
Be sure to check these program websites for:
You can also check the Events Calendar for additional events and details.
This Week
- DASG Winter De-Stress Week Day 1 – video and board game tournaments – Monday, March 18, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Disability Justice 101 – Disability Justice event – Monday, March 18, 1:30-3 p.m.
- DASG Winter De-Stress Week Day 2 – art and crafts – Tuesday, March 19, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Quiz Quest: Discover Your True Self! – Social Sciences and Humanities Village event, open to all – Tuesday, March 19, 12:30-2 p.m.
- Film Screening: Selena! – Women's History Month event – Tuesday, March 19, 1:30-3:20 p.m.
- Tuesday Tea Time – Health and Life Sciences Village event, open to all – Tuesday, March 19, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Free Tax-Filing Assistance – United Way service – Wednesday, March 20, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- DASG Winter De-Stress Week Day 3 – sports tournament – Wednesday, March 20, 11 a.m.-3 p.m.
- Test Your Coding Knowledge! – Physical Sciences and Technology Village event, open to all – Wednesday, March 20, noon-1 p.m.
- Food is Healing Workshop with Annie Sayo – Women's History Month event – Wednesday, March 20, 2:30-4:30 p.m.
- Filipinx, Pacific Islander and Southeast Asian High School Student Empowerment Conference – high school Outreach event – Thursday, March 21, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.
- Foreign Film Cinema – Language and Communications Village event, open to all – Thursday, March 21, 1-2:30 p.m.
- Web Development and Startup Meetup – Business and Finance Village event, open to all – Thursday, March 21, 1:30-2:30 p.m.
- Student Recitals – Music Department performances – Thursday, March 21, 4:30 p.m.
- Students Recitals – Music Department performances – Friday, March 22, 2 p.m.
Next Week
- Free Tax-Filing Assistance – United Way service – Wednesday, March 27, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
- Police and Community Forum – Foothill-De Anza district police event – Wednesday, March 27, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
Tell us about your event! Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us.
Dates and Deadlines
- Final exams – next week (March 25-29)
Visit the Academic Calendar page to see more important dates and deadlines by quarter.
Governance Meetings
Resource Allocation and Program Planning Committee: Tuesday, March 19, 10-11:20 a.m.
- Classified Senate: Tuesday, March 19, 2-3 p.m.
- Equity Action Council: Wednesday, March 20, 2:30-4 p.m.
- College Council: Thursday, March 21, 3:30-5 p.m.
Find more information about college governance at deanza.edu/gov
Tell Us!
Quick Notes is an email digest of timely information for De Anza students, faculty and staff. Watch for it in your inbox regularly.
Use the online form at deanza.edu/communications/tell-us to let us know about an upcoming activity or other news that you want to share with the rest of the college community. That’s the best way to get your item on our radar for the website Events Calendar, newsletter and social media planning.
- Questions or feedback? Email us at communications@deanza.edu