This email was sent to all students enrolled in spring quarter
May 13, 2024
Basic Needs and Belonging–We'd Like Your Input
Dear Student,
We’d like to know more about some of the challenges you've faced while attending college, so we can get a better understanding of the best ways to support you and your fellow students.
This short survey will take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete. It asks about factors that can affect your studies, including your ability to meet basic needs such as food, housing and mental health, and whether you feel welcome and connected at De Anza. We know that health and well-being, including mental health, are important factors in every student’s college experience.
Please complete the survey no later than Friday, May 24. All responses are confidential and will be used only for research and planning. You can skip any question you prefer not to answer.
Best wishes,
De Anza College