This email was sent to all registered students
Nov. 4, 2024
There's Still Time To Vote
Election Day Is Tomorrow – Tuesday, Nov. 5
f you’re eligible to vote and haven’t already done so, there’s still time to have your say in this year’s important election for U.S. president, Congress, state and local offices, and ballot measures.
If you aren't registered to vote, you can register and cast a conditional ballot by going in person to a county Vote Center or the Registrar of Voters office no later than tomorrow – Tuesday, Nov. 5. (You must be 18 or older and a U.S. citizen.)
Registered voters should have received a ballot in the mail, which you can fill out
and return no later than tomorrow by mailing it back, placing it in an official Ballot Drop Box or taking it in person
to a county Vote Center.
- You can mail your ballot – postage is free – but it must be postmarked by tomorrow (Tuesday, Nov. 5).
- If you live in Santa Clara County, you can county elections website to find a Drop Box near you. There's one on campus, outside the RSS Building near the entrance facing Staff/Student Lot A.
- You can also look online to find a Vote Center near you.
If you registered but didn't receive your ballot, you can get assistance at any county Vote Center or the Registrar of Voters office.
You'll find more information at deanza.edu/vote.