This email was sent to student veterans who recieved a D or F in 2020 or 2021.
Sept. 28, 2021
Option To Replace D or F Grade with "No Pass"
Dear Student,
If you received a D or F grade for a class that you took in the calendar year 2020 or 2021, you are eligible to have this grade replaced with “No Pass” on your De Anza College transcript. This includes courses taken in winter, spring, summer or fall of 2020 or 2021, provided you submit your request by Dec. 31 of this year.
[Click image to view short video]
Choosing this option may help your Grade Point Average, since a Pass or No Pass grade is not counted in your GPA. However, there can be drawbacks to choosing Pass/No Pass.
- A grade of “No Pass” means you will not receive credit for the course, even when credit may be awarded for a D grade.
- Some transfer universities may not accept Pass or No Pass grades for certain requirements.
- Once you request a Pass/No Pass grade, you cannot change back to a letter grade.
For courses taken in 2020 or 2021, the deadline to request a retroactive change to Pass/No Pass grading has been extended to Dec. 31, 2021, in consideration of the disruptions caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
Before you submit a request, we strongly recommend that you speak with a counselor and review the important considerations listed on the Special Rules for Pass/No Pass webpage. You’ll find a directory of counseling offices at deanza.edu/our-counselors.
As a student using VA benefits, you should also check with one of De Anza’s Veteran Resource Specialists to make sure this won't affect your eligibility. Their contact information is at deanza.edu/veterans.
View Special Rules for Pass/No Pass
Best wishes,
De Anza College