This email was sent to students who have applied for fall but have not previously registered for classes.
July 14, 2022
Choose Your Combo!
Easy Way to Build Your Schedule
Dear Student,
We can't wait to see you at De Anza this fall! With registration getting started for new students – check your date in MyPortal – you're probably thinking about which classes to take. We can make it easier to build your fall schedule! All you have to do is:
Optional – Choose Your Combo!
This is totally optional – you can register for any class that works for your educational plan. For your convenience, we’ve put together a menu of courses, arranged in convenient blocks of time. You choose two days when you want to be on campus, then build the schedule that works for you.
With the new class combos, you get
- Easy selections – We’ve already identified a set of combos with classes you may need
- Convenient scheduling – You choose the times that fit best in your life, including work or family obligations and commuting preferences
- New friends – You’ll begin to see familiar faces taking many of the same classes as you!
The Best of Both Worlds
Most of the suggested classes will be taught in hybrid format, with some scheduled meetings on campus, and some work that you can do online.
It’s the best of both worlds: You’ll have personal contact with instructors and classmates (many of them will be taking the same classes in your combo) plus the convenience of working at your own pace online, within deadlines set by the instructor.
Remember – these combos were created to make it easier for you to build your schedule
– but they are completely optional.
You can learn more and find easy steps to choose your combo at deanza.edu/combo.
And don’t forget to check out the on-campus Welcome Day event on Friday, Sept. 23. It’s a great way to meet instructors and learn about Villages, programs and services at De Anza. We’ll be posting more information about this event soon at deanza.edu/welcomeday.
Best wishes,
De Anza College