This email was sent to current and former students who identified as Black or African American in their applications.
Nov. 28, 2022
Reminder–Transfer Survey
Dear Student,
If you haven't alrady completed this short survey, we'd still like to get your input for a research study designed to get a better understanding of the best ways to support Black students on their path to transfer from community college to a university.
This survey, which asks about your college experience, is anonymous and will take only 10-12 minutes to complete. It was designed by a respected research organization, the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges. Your responses will help De Anza and other colleges around the state develop programs and provide resources to serve students. (The college will see aggregated responses but no personally identifying information.)
As an extra incentive, all students who participate before the survey closes on Dec. 21 have the option to be entered in a drawing to receive one of five $100 Amazon gift cards!
If you would like more information about this survey, please contact Katie Brohawn, director of research, evaluation and development at the RP Group, at kbrohawn@rpgroup.org.
Thank you for participating!
De Anza College