This email was sent to students who are military veterans or dependents and have an outstanding fee balance.
Jan. 13, 2023
Winter Quarter Fees Due
Dear Student,
Our records indicate that you are enrolled for the 2023 winter quarter and have an outstanding balance.
You can pay online with a credit card or sign up for an interest-free installment plan. (To pay now, log in to MyPortal, open the Apps section and click on the Bill Payment icon, then select Pay Now.)
** If you have qualified for the De Anza College Promise, please disregard this notice. Your Promise award will be applied to current quarter fees. **
If you are planning to drop a course, please remember that you are still responsible for fees, and will receive a failing grade, unless you complete the formal drop process.
The deadline to drop and receive a refund will vary for some classes, so be sure to check the deadlines listed on your MyPortal account: Open the Apps page, click on the Student Registration app and then click "View Your Class Schedule." The Cashier's Office website has more information.
If you are waiting for a VA payment, any tuition and fees that are not covered by veterans' benefits should be paid by your own funds before the end of the current quarter.
For any change in residency status, you must submit all residency-related documents to the Admissions and Records Office within the first two weeks of this quarter. Otherwise, the change will go into effect for the next term in which you enroll.
If you have already paid your balance or signed up for the installment plan, thank you. You may disregard this reminder.
Thank you,
De Anza College Cashier's Office