This email was sent to new and continuing students who do not have a major that aligns with a particular Village
Sept. 10, 2024
RSVP for Welcome Day–Next Friday, Sept. 20
Dear Student,
We’re excited about seeing you on campus for Welcome Day next Friday, Sept. 20, from 10 a.m. to noon. It’s a great opportunity for you to meet instructors, ask questions
and learn about the academic communities known as Villages at De Anza.
If you haven’t already signed up for this fun event, please click the yellow button to let us know you'll attend. Along with campus tours and information tables, there will be games, free Boba drinks and a prize drawing for an Instax Mini 7+ instant cameria and AirTags. (Prizes are purchased with donated funds.) Be sure to visit the Village Center of your choice during the second hour of Welcome Day, from 11 a.m. to noon, to get your free T-shirt and enter the prize drawing!
Each of the six Villages is a supportive community of students, faculty and staff members who share related academic interests. During the school year, each Village will offer events, resources and fun activities that are relevant to those interests.
Most students join the Village that aligns with their major. If you haven’t declared a major (it's a requirement for getting priority registration) – or if you have a major such as Liberal Arts that covers more than one subject – you can choose a Village that interests you!
You'll find a list of majors and subjects for each Village on the Welcome Day webpage. (And don’t worry: You’re free to change your major, and your Village, at any time. Learn more at deanza.edu/villages.)
You'll find more information about Welcome Day activities at deanza.edu/welcomeday, where you can sign up now to attend this event!
Best wishes,
De Anza College