2023-24 Initiative Teams

Five teams with representation from across the college worked through the 2023-24 academic year to develop draft action plans for carrying out the strategic planning initiatives identified in De Anza’s Educational Master Plan for 2022-2027. Their work was informed by additional input gathered on Opening Day in fall 2023 and updated data on economic trends.

Drawing on the foundational work of the initiative teams, a collegewide action plan team will continue to work through 2027 to coordinate implementation of the action plans and monitor attainment of the college's goals.

Civic Capacity for Community and Social Change

  • Includes community-based learning initiatives, opportunities to develop leadership capacity
  • Team members: Cynthia Kaufman (team leader), Debbie Lee, Jim Nguyen, Elvin Ramos, Thomas Ray, Bob Stockwell

Equity Plan Re-Imagined

  • Advancing the equity framework in alignment with the EMP, developing department or area equity plans, using program review to developing plans for addressing equity gaps
  • Team members: Sam Bliss, Sal Breiter, Adriana Garcia, Michelle Hernandez (co-leader), Adrienne Hypolite (co-leader), Shaila Ramos-Garcia


  • Includes adult education, noncredit programs, nontraditional students and dual enrollment
  • Team members: Erick Aragon, Stacey Carrasco, Martha Espinosa Prados, Nazy Galoyan (team leader), Patty Guitron, Rob Mieso, Katrina Tran


  • Includes basic needs, mental health, connections between major and career
  • Team members: Laureen Balducci, Sushini Chand, Mehrdad Khosravi (team leader), Lisa Mandy, Eric Mendoza, Jamie Pelusi, Susan Thomas, Casie Wheat, Fatemeh Yarahmadi

Student-Centered Instruction and Services

  • Includes Guided Pathways, wraparound services, equity
  • Team members: James Capurso, Claudia Guzman, Manisha Karia (co-leader), Michele LeBleu-Burns (co-leader), Gabriela Nocito, Kim Palmore, Leah Riley, Kristin Skager

2023 Initiative Teams Invitation

The following invitation was sent to leaders across the campus to participate in a 2023 summer session in preparation for Opening Day workshops on the Educational Master Plan initiatives and implementation of the EMP. These efforts are outlined in a presentation given to the Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees on June 12, 2023. (Team membership may evolve depending on availability and other refinements.)

Dear Colleague,

Given the leadership you have demonstrated on campus, we’d like to invite you to be part of a strategic planning initiative team that will develop a vision for implementation and guide the college in carrying out the strategic planning initiatives identified in De Anza’s Educational Master Plan for 2022-2027.

As co-chairs of the collegewide effort that produced the EMP, we have been charged by the College Planning Committee to coordinate implementation. Under this charge, as outlined at this week's Board of Trustees meeting, five initiative teams will be formed this spring and will remain in place to ensure that De Anza can meet the EMP’s strategic planning metrics by fall 2027.

We are inviting team members to attend a one-day workshop on Wednesday, July 26, from 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m. in Campus Center Conference Rooms A&B.*

During this workshop, the teams will prepare for college Opening Day work sessions on Sept. 21, where they will engage session participants in creating initiative action plans and developing concrete ideas for implementation and integration with the Equity Plan and Guided Pathways work. The teams will then see the plans through to full implementation by fall 2027.

This is an exciting opportunity to help guide De Anza’s future and help the college reach its goals for equity and student success. We will be asking division and program administrators to support team members’ participation in this effort.

Best wishes,
Lydia Hearn
Mallory Newell
Marisa Spatafore

(* The location was updated after the original invitation was sent to some participants.)

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