DEMONSTRATION SPEECH                                             
Prepare a Demonstration speech from 5-to-6 minutes and demonstrate how something is done, made, or prepared.

PowerPoint slides are not permitted for this assignment.

A visual aid (s) is required for this assignment. The goal is use a physical object (s) for this speech. 

Prepare a full-preparation outline consisting of an introduction, body, and a conclusion. The body of the speech should have two to three main points.

Submit a typed full-preparation outline to Turnitin on Canvas before your assigned speaking day and bring a physical copy of the outline to class for submission to the instructor before delivery.

Plan to use 4-by-6 inch note cards and deliver your remarks extemporaneously (not read or memorized).

Personalize your presentation by demonstrating something that you are familiar with either currently or from a past experience, such as from a hobby or from a work experience.

Remember to speak to your audience; try to formulate a speech that appeals to their interest.

Do not use illegal or dangerous materials for this presentation. 
During this speech, concentrate on establishing the following:
•    Eye contact
•    Formulating a clear purpose
•    Avoiding distracting mannerisms
•    Using an attention getting introduction and a memorable conclusion
•    Using connectives/transitions 
•    Adhering to the time limit of 5 to 6 minutes

Be prepared to answer questions from your classmates following your presentation.

This speech is worth fifty-points. The full-preparation outline is worth ten-points.

Demonstration Speech Self-Critique:

Within seven days of speech delilvery, students should submit a two page, typed self-critique to Turnitin on Canvas.

This assignment is worth ten-points. 

Late submissions will not be accepted.

Refer to this website for the demonstration speech self-critique criteria for this assignment.

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